The Express Intercity trains running in Poland are part of the Intercity trains group launched by train carriers in various European countries. The trains feature few substation stops as well as the top speed, due to which becomes the part of the fast train. The Intercity trains service the largest Polish train lines, such as: Warsaw, Cracow, Gdansk, Gdynia, Szczecin, Kolobrzeg, Katowice, Poznan, Rzeszow and Wroclaw, connecting the south with the north and the east with the west. The Intercity trains cooperate with TLK providing one ticket transit at your convenience. The Intercity trains are air-conditioned, provide restaurant facility WARS where you could have your meal as you travel. The power supply inlets are more and more common on the trains so you could charge your laptop or smart phone on the go. The trains are supplied with the automatic sliding doors and are handicapped adapted as well as for parents travelling with children. The train is covered by the obligation of prior reservation of seats. The Intercity train tickets as well as other connections may be booked and purchased at our webpage –
The cars are compartment free. Adjustable chairs, spaces between the seats and the individual lighting prevent the fellow passengers to disturb each other so they may enjoy their journey in peace and quiet. Passengers have access to mobile mini-bar where they could purchase with snacks and drinks.

They are top quality compartments where you may travel in an improved comfort or where you could prepare yourself for business meetings when on the train to your destination meeting point.

All second class cars from the Intercity trains are air-conditioned, provide toilets and the doors are automatically closed and opened as well as cellular signal is enhanced.